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Reimagining health from the ground up!
The epHealth Institute (non-profit) is the result of consolidating the impactful social initiatives that epHealth has been leading in recent years.
Our focus is on Public Health in Brazil, with Primary Health Care and Community Health Workers forming the structural foundation of the national health system (SUS).
We are committed to our 2023-2030 Plan, which seeks to make a significant contribution by improving access to health services and promoting health education on a large scale.
Join us on this transformative journey!


Automated record correction
Definitive solution for the validity of the registration base
CPF's certification in the official databases;
All citizens over 18 years old;
Permanent validation algorithm for new registrations and change of territory.
We've already impacted more than
6 Million Lives!

+ 4 thousand

+ 50M
home visits

+ 45 thousand
Health professionals

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